The Swans of Lake Lucerne (Luzern)

Autumn Cheers!

Raining hard when I arrived in Lucerne but it didn’t stop me from taking pictures. The Swan in the lake of Lucerne are tourist friendly.

I enjoy watching them, ignoring the rain (which goes on and off )

I keep on flashing and it seems they enjoying the attention too!

as if trying to impress the onlookers, he dives beautifully

with his head neck twisted

on triangle formation

by two’s

arching his neck again

and again

what a lovely sight!

I can’t stop clicking , I hold my umbrella on one hand, camera on the other hand. Waiting for his wings to flap and looks like sleeping or tired of showing off!

then suddenly…opens his wings

and off they go!

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Author: jamilamimi

a mother of two, professionally working as cosmetic dentist, a lover of own perception in and out.

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