Esthetic or Aesthetic? or Cosmetic?

May 7, 2019

-Antipolo City

Beautybeyondfifty changed her domain to “The Dental Aesthetic Clinic” , Well, I really don’t know if this is a good idea or not but I went ahead anyway 🙂


So, what’s up?

My clinic is still under construction but I would like to share the progress. At first I was hesitant to build it in Antipolo, considering my specialty is “Esthetic Dentistry“.

What’s the difference between Esthetic and Aesthetic?

British English (Aesthetic) or American English (Esthetic)

What about Cosmetic Dentistry and (A)Esthetic Dentistry?

Well, Esthetic Dentistry is creating a smile that’s very natural, functionally effective. Enhancing the natural beauty of what is natural to the patient. Whereas, Cosmetic is creating a smile beyond what is natural, like making the veneers more whiter than the white paper, making it all straight in one level, which sometimes affects the functions and phonetics as well.

For me, Cosmetic involves more of a package enhancing physical beauty and improving Oral health, like I won’t go further than white, if it looks  too artificial. I can also straightened teeth by Orthodontics but I am also trained to administer botox which reduces wrinkles and filler for lip enhancement. So whether its Esthetics – Aesthetics – Cosmetic we’re still talking about beauty enhancements!

And why Antipolo? First of all, this is where I have a home, weather is much cooler and traffic is not as congested as in Manila.

Why I was hesitant?

I am not sure whether the locals will go into aesthetic, or spend more money to save their teeth. It’s a challenge and risk at the same time but I’m keeping my finger crossed. Hoping and praying that I will make a trend, if not elevate the standard of Dentistry in this area and create awareness on Oral health and hygiene.

Here’s some photos of the clinic under contstruction:

Ladies, wish me luck 🙂


Dr. Myriam (beautybeyondfity)

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Beautybeyondfifty on going back..

” We all have our own life to pursue, our own kind of dream to be weaving. And we all have some power to make wishes come true, as long as we keep believing.”

-Louisa May Alcott

It’s funny to note after 32 years, here I am writing another chapter of my life. I considered Jeddah as my second home, in fact, it was my HOME, this is where I grew up professionally , I have learned my craft and skills with much passion and as my term ends, I realized the love and respect my patients gave me was tremendous and I will be forever grateful for the experienced.


back home

So after a month, I was still wondering whether my decision to come home finally was indeed the right one. Well, mostly on financial aspect, I wonder if my savings will be enough to pull it off, at least untill my practice picks up.

Yes! I am pursuing my childhood dream to put up my own dental clinic. At age 59, I will go down to history 🙂 I will be doing what my friends and colleague have done 32 years ago !

I wish my father was still alive to witness this new chapter in my life.

So be it..

Beautybeyondfifty have changed her domain to “The Dental Aesthetic Clinic”

Ladies, wish me luck!




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Live simply, travel,laugh a lot and don’t forget to breath

“Write it in your heart that every day is the best day in the year”

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

As the year ends, my days in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia is also nearing to an end.

It was a wonderful 32 years! Thank you!



Year 2018 was a year of traveling … emotional turmoil of losing loved ones, yet the gratitude is tantamount to the blessings. May we have all a Happy New year and more blessings for the year 2019!

I compiled photos on air while traveling, the perk of having the window seat! All photos were taken with an Iphone 🙂



















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Age 59: LIPS… understanding aging process for beauties beyond fifty(aka older women)

Do you notice anything about your smile?

Does your teeth shows when you smile?

Is your lips getting thinner?

Come on! Look at the mirror and examine your lips, was it the same when you were in your early twenties?


Well, When I was a teenager ,way back.. 🙂 hahaha make a calculation and you will know what year..I used to think my lips were big and thick! I am conscious about my teeth as well, it’s protruded and big. I did Orthodontic treatment, extracted four teeth to minimize protrusion of my lips and now that I am fifty and beyond, I find my lips thinner and my teeth doesn’t show as much as it was !

beauty smile
Feeling young at 52

Yep, as we grow older, our upper lips become thinner and lower lips increases a bit in thickness. The main reason why lips become thinner and loses its natural volume is because of collagen depletion.

Throughout aging, the face becomes flatter and the nose gains more prominence, resulting in a longer upper lip which explains why, sometimes in older women, upper front teeth cannot be seen during smiling.

Try to look at the mirror again and say the word “emma” without closing your lips, just in a relax position, can you see your two front teeth? Young people have at least 2mm of it showing but for adult, sometimes, the two front teeth can not be seen at all. Well, it’s not only the problem of upper lips getting longer ,it is also the wear and tear of the teeth. Sometimes, the teeth itself got shorter because of attrition.

What treatment options do we have?

  • some women, choose to plump their upper lips, but at times they also over do it, resulting to a pronounced pout lips which at times too artificial (my opinion). Restylane is an example of filler used to increase volume and define the vermillion border of the lips.
  • lip implants – I would not even consider this treatment
  • fat injections – another treatment I will not consider

Well, for me, I would rather enhanced the shape of my teeth like doing veneer or laminates or bleaching and a good technique in lipstick application.

at age 59, i use different shades of lipstick and lip pencil

Lipstick application for older women:


  • apply moisturizer or in my case I use vaseline every night to prevent chapping and maintain the natural color of my lips
  • embrace pink shade of lipstick, though my mom at age 91, she still use red lipstick. I think pink for lighter skin and red for darker skin. I also think it should be at least two degrees darker than natural color of your lips.
  • line your lips with pencil and accentuate the cuspid’s bow with a darker colorlips2
  • finish with light gloss to have more youthful look 🙂

Is there any difference between branded lipstick and lipstick I got from pharmacy?

My opinion?




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Age 59: Posing tips for beauties beyond fifty (aka: older women)

” beauty has so many forms. and I think the most beautiful thing is confidence and loving yourself”


How old are you?

I was asked many times and every time there’s oh..?? you’re kidding!

Even my millennial patients would rush and look at my license certificate on the wall and read my birth year😊


yes! There’s no secret and I think I look natural at my age. Hmmm..what natural? for myself? or what society dictates? depends on my mood , I guess 🙂

You see, when you don’t exert effort on how to look young, it mirrors on your photo.



You don’t have to look like when you’re on your 30’s! You just have to look like a better version of it when you’re fifty and beyond😊


Eye bags

Well, as we grow older, our eye bags got deeper, you don’t need a filler or bleph , just wear you’re eyeglasses and pronto! eye bag is gone!


it’s a trial and error how to get the best eyebrow that really looks natural on your age. It took me awhile to master how I want it to be. I think having tattoo will look you more older.


find your angle look😊 when someone wants to take your photo.

practice.. practice..

look at the mirror which is your best side.. right? or left?and practice smiling. It really makes a difference. You can also turn your shoulder at 45 degrees angle but don’t tilt your head, instead bring your ears to the front to minimize double chin . Position the tip of your tongue at the back of your teeth and SMILE!

Ladies, at our age, I think the best is to smile confidently and I am hundred percent sure , you will look younger.

Here are some sample of ladies who smile beautifully without editing or using filter.

Remember, we all have our time of beauty at a different stages of life so embrace it whether you are fifty or beyond.

Keep smiling 🙂



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Filipino Women’s League – Hawaii

October 21, 2018

I was invited for a Tea party with Filipino Women’s League in Aiea at Dr. Amy Jacang residence. It was a beautiful day with beautiful women in a beautiful location overlooking the city, I would say they are the Beauties beyond fifties 🙂

Each guest brought some Filipino dishes, it was like “fiesta” with a twist of camaraderie .A lovely afternoon was spent with bona fide members giving speeches , songs and dances. The new would be members were asked to introduce themselves. It was an afternoon of smiles and I was excited and privileged to get some photos of the day. The usual meeting is held every first Friday of the month at various locations in central or west of Oahu.

The Filipino Women’s League

promoting Filipino sisterhood through culture, companionship and community service.

It was also announced that the Filipino Women’s league have helped  students who are brilliant in their field of studies but can not further their education due to lack of finances through their scholarship program. It caters for male and female students with Filipino descent who intend to pursue a career in college or university.

In addition, I also learned they have cook book for sale entitled “Hawaii Filipinas Favorite Recipes”  for Usd 15 plus shipping but through my research, it is also available in Amazon for Usd 25.

Wow! It’s amazing to meet all these women  and one thing I am delighted about is they all look beautiful in photos. I think because their smile are genuine and confident.. Confidently beautiful 🙂

Thank you Pat for taking me to this wonderful event.



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Flowers for you – Wordless Wednesday

“It’s a full time job being honest one moment at a time, remembering to love, to honor, to respect. It is a practice, a discipline, worthy of every moment”


All photos were taken by me at Waikiki, Hawaii – October 2018



My 3rd Hiking Adventure in Oahu: Manoa Falls Hiking Trail

manoa-1-9October 28, 2018

After the easy hiked in Makapu’u Lighthouse trail we decided to do another hike 🙂 yep! We’re hyper that day because that was my last day in Hawaii. This hike was in my opinion the real one!


It was already raining a bit when we arrived at the place, I took my backpack camera knowing, if it rains.. It pours …:-) got a rain cover for it! Yeah that was the plan but I did not have time to cover it when the rain came real, I hid my camera under my shirt and focused on the muddy trail. It was slippery, in my mind if I slipped, either I break my leg or my camera. The choice was clear, got to take care of myself first.  I can buy another camera..if ever.. thanks God ! nothing happened 🙂 My friend? Oh she was the monkey, running from one tree to another hahaha joke! Well, she was younger and more healthy than I am (I guess).




If I am not mistaken, this is where the original “Jurassic Park” and TV show “Lost” filmed some of their scenes.





The Manoa Falls trail is a 1.6 mile trail and leads to a 150 foot waterfall that empties into a small pool of water. Swimming is highly discourage due to the threat of Leptospirosis a condition that may lead to kidney failure.

On our way back, more rainfall which made it even more challenging to me but I enjoyed every minute of it.




It was a wonderful day to hike in a rain forest like Manoa. Thank you my dear friend Adora for taking the time to be with me. I hope you had a wonderful day too!



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My 2nd Hiking Adventure in Oahu: Makapu’u point Lighthouse Trail

October 24, 2018


” No distance of place or lapse of time can lessen the friendship of those who are thoroughly persuaded of each other’s worth.” –  Robert Southey

I’m one of a lucky woman who has friends around the world and even though we don’t regularly get in touch, we know deep in our heart  we care for each other. Adora is one of the few I cherished. No matter how far we lived apart or how many years we haven’t seen each other, the bond we have, remained the same. We don’t even chat regularly, hahaha I know 🙂 with the advent of different social media, we just don’t! She just chat in whenever she likes to, I replied whenever… no trick 🙂 But we know if one is needed, all ears and all day we’re for each other.

we don’t care about our hair, we’re the beauties beyond fifty

It’s about an hour drive from her place to mine, She drove early morning just to pick me up so we can see the golden sunrise at Makapu’u. It opens at 6 am, so we decided to have coffee and bagel with cream cheese for breakfast. GPS calculated we will be there in 30 minutes, just on time as the sun rises up!

Did we got on time?





We got lost!



Believe it or not, I think the address she put on GPS was a mistake! But it’s ok, we have all day to figure it out 😊 we just enjoyed the ride and eventually we got to our destination!


Makapu’u point lighthouse hiking trail – located at the southeastern part of Oahu, is an easy hike with a moderate inclined to 657 ft summit. It is also known as Kaiwi scenic shoreline. Theres no shady trees but its alright, it was a beautiful day to begin with. if we don’t stop often times to take photos we would easily reach the top within 30 min.


These trails are paved from parking lot to the top so, it’s really an easy way to the top, We’ve seen babies on stroller ( a good exercise for mom) men with dogs and little kids running. Awesome scenery, seeing the coastal view towards the Koko head.





The lighthouse is off-limits but we can still view it from the top.


and the breathtaking views of Makapu’u Beach and the beginning of the Windward coast.




To infinity and beyond…


“A friend is the one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still, gently allows you to grow.” – William Shakespeare



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10 days in Waikiki : (day 8) First hiking adventure on North shore Oahu – Waimea Valley

October 23,2018


The ADA convention (Oct 18-22) successfully ended and it’s time for me to explore the Oahu Island again, this is my first hiking adventure, 8.5 hrs of nature experience. I have been in private dental practice for 32 years and been in and out of the country to attend courses, conventions and meetings but It’s only been 5 years that I enjoyed exploration in between. I guess I was so busy to earn a living, busy as a mom and with my career, that I was always in a hurry to go back home. However, for the last five years, slowly I lowered my guard and enjoyed the surroundings, the nature and really appreciates the blessings that came along.Thank you Lord 🙂


Now, It’s time to explore 🙂 I was picked up at 6:30 in the morning, we were a group of four, oh wow! My companion have a Canon camera, a long big lens and a tripod. I have Nikon and lens kit (18-105mm) and was given a tripod to use during the hike. Imagine a 59 yrs. old lady carrying a backpack and a tripod exploring the 1,875 acre valley (Waimea Valley). Did I arched my back? Got a back ache? Nope not all! Mosquitoes bite? oh yeah! plenty! so be aware, take insect repellant before doing the hike.

On our way we passed through the famous Hale’iwa sign. I was told that the original sign was a female surfer. Want to read the sad and heartfelt story about this sign? click here



Waimea Valley – is a rich and culturally significant wahi pana (storied place). Historically, this Valley has been home to and ruled by a long line of Ali’i Nui (kings), Ali’i (Chiefs) and Kahuna Nui (High Priest). It has gone many changes over the years but despite of the changes the mana (life force, essence) remained.


I guess, no matter what age you are, you can still visit this place. Oh by the way, there’s a shuttle for those who have difficulty in walking, they take you around from the entrance to the end, where the Waimea water falls and back  for a small fee.It’s a very peaceful scenery, plenty of plants, flowers, tree and even though there was a bit of rain showers every now and then, I didn’t mind it all. I walked with much enthusiasm and energy!



I enjoyed walking as well taking photos of the flowers along the way.

At the end of the trail – Waimea Falls! My first time to take a photo of waterfalls 🙂



What do you think? Did I learned some photography trick? hahaha I know I was overwhelmed by the scenery that I forgot to ask more questions to our photographer guide dee-jay.


30 foot waterfall that cascades down into a pool below. Swimming is allowed with free life vest,swimming noodles and boogie boards, though at the time we came, the water was a bit dark due to the intermittent rain, but it did not matter to a lot of people , they still dived and enjoyed swimming into the fresh water.


After the hike , we went to see Pu’u Mahuka Heiau – the largest Heiau (religious site) on Oahu. The view was awesome! overlooking Oahu shoreline.

As we moved forward to old town of Haleiwa, we passed by in Laniakea Beach or popularly known as” Turtle Beach”. The cars were parked on the other side of the road, so we have to crossed to see the green turtle.




We ended the trip after lunch at the old town of Haleiwa. I had shrimps and rice and was too full to get a shaved ice for myself 🙂

Wonderful day! Mahalo 🙂



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