Age 59: LIPS… understanding aging process for beauties beyond fifty(aka older women)

Do you notice anything about your smile?

Does your teeth shows when you smile?

Is your lips getting thinner?

Come on! Look at the mirror and examine your lips, was it the same when you were in your early twenties?


Well, When I was a teenager ,way back.. 🙂 hahaha make a calculation and you will know what year..I used to think my lips were big and thick! I am conscious about my teeth as well, it’s protruded and big. I did Orthodontic treatment, extracted four teeth to minimize protrusion of my lips and now that I am fifty and beyond, I find my lips thinner and my teeth doesn’t show as much as it was !

beauty smile
Feeling young at 52

Yep, as we grow older, our upper lips become thinner and lower lips increases a bit in thickness. The main reason why lips become thinner and loses its natural volume is because of collagen depletion.

Throughout aging, the face becomes flatter and the nose gains more prominence, resulting in a longer upper lip which explains why, sometimes in older women, upper front teeth cannot be seen during smiling.

Try to look at the mirror again and say the word “emma” without closing your lips, just in a relax position, can you see your two front teeth? Young people have at least 2mm of it showing but for adult, sometimes, the two front teeth can not be seen at all. Well, it’s not only the problem of upper lips getting longer ,it is also the wear and tear of the teeth. Sometimes, the teeth itself got shorter because of attrition.

What treatment options do we have?

  • some women, choose to plump their upper lips, but at times they also over do it, resulting to a pronounced pout lips which at times too artificial (my opinion). Restylane is an example of filler used to increase volume and define the vermillion border of the lips.
  • lip implants – I would not even consider this treatment
  • fat injections – another treatment I will not consider

Well, for me, I would rather enhanced the shape of my teeth like doing veneer or laminates or bleaching and a good technique in lipstick application.

at age 59, i use different shades of lipstick and lip pencil

Lipstick application for older women:


  • apply moisturizer or in my case I use vaseline every night to prevent chapping and maintain the natural color of my lips
  • embrace pink shade of lipstick, though my mom at age 91, she still use red lipstick. I think pink for lighter skin and red for darker skin. I also think it should be at least two degrees darker than natural color of your lips.
  • line your lips with pencil and accentuate the cuspid’s bow with a darker colorlips2
  • finish with light gloss to have more youthful look 🙂

Is there any difference between branded lipstick and lipstick I got from pharmacy?

My opinion?




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Filipino Women’s League – Hawaii

October 21, 2018

I was invited for a Tea party with Filipino Women’s League in Aiea at Dr. Amy Jacang residence. It was a beautiful day with beautiful women in a beautiful location overlooking the city, I would say they are the Beauties beyond fifties 🙂

Each guest brought some Filipino dishes, it was like “fiesta” with a twist of camaraderie .A lovely afternoon was spent with bona fide members giving speeches , songs and dances. The new would be members were asked to introduce themselves. It was an afternoon of smiles and I was excited and privileged to get some photos of the day. The usual meeting is held every first Friday of the month at various locations in central or west of Oahu.

The Filipino Women’s League

promoting Filipino sisterhood through culture, companionship and community service.

It was also announced that the Filipino Women’s league have helped  students who are brilliant in their field of studies but can not further their education due to lack of finances through their scholarship program. It caters for male and female students with Filipino descent who intend to pursue a career in college or university.

In addition, I also learned they have cook book for sale entitled “Hawaii Filipinas Favorite Recipes”  for Usd 15 plus shipping but through my research, it is also available in Amazon for Usd 25.

Wow! It’s amazing to meet all these women  and one thing I am delighted about is they all look beautiful in photos. I think because their smile are genuine and confident.. Confidently beautiful 🙂

Thank you Pat for taking me to this wonderful event.



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Gothic for a cause

July 21, 2018

” Everything has beauty but not everyone sees it”


Yesterday was an afternoon well spent. I was invited to a photo shoot for a cause. It was a camaraderie fundraising event for a family who needed some help for hospitalization. I am a hobbyist in photography mostly interesting places when I am on a trip , I like landscape and flowers as my subjects. Though, I usually do family portraits for friends, this was my first time to shoot a gothic portraiture. As an amateur I was pretty excited. I really don’t know what to expect, I was asking for a protocol so I would know what will be my limitations, will there be some tips and advice on how to take portrait with gothic theme? Will the professional guide the amateur? hahaha poor me, don’t really know what to do 🙂

Anyhow, I came early and was surprised, models were already getting ready, lights were set up and registration already started. The person  in charged for registration was giving another paper for models to sign on…Me? nope I’m here to shoot! Wow 🙂 shoot? maybe just a spectator or taking behind the scenes photos. Of course! I tried my best to capture the moment 🙂

and here some of my shots… models: Alda ,Janet,Angie,Alyana and Carmie






DSC_8301 (1)

and here’s the shot of Rommel S Jubay with model Ada


Thank you for the invite, to the organizers, models, make up artist and to all the people who in one way another help to make the afternoon lovely.  🙂



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Third culture Kids – Adult and parents included?

The third episode of “The Vin and Noira Show” is here

Are you a OFW? Expatriates? born in KSA? back in Philippines? you should listen to vin oh! and noira too, she is from Indonesia but studied in Australia.

Where are you from?

I usually say, from Philippines to make the story short, because I was born in Davao and was raised in Bicol, my father is from Cabanatuan City and my mother is from Taytay ,Rizal and you can find these places in the Philippines.


What about if you are born in another country like Saudi Arabia with Filipino parents and was raised in Saudi Arabia and never had the chance to actually live in Philippines?

What about.. if you are born in Saudi Arabia and never had the opportunity to really live in Philippines but your parents are both Filipino and you immigrated to United Kingdom or Canada?

What about..if your mother is Filipina and your father is American and you are born and raised in Saudi Arabia?

Where are you from?

photo grabs from “the vin and noira show” Ep3

As my youngest always say ” WE ARE NOMAD” 🙂

GLOBAL nomad – one who grows up in a country other than their passport country.

EXpatriate – one who lives outside of his/her own home culture.

I got interested with the topic of “Third Culture Kids” since the first episode of the show and it’s relatable to all expatriates alike, not only for the kids but for the adult and parents as well.

What is TCK? Third Culture Kids is a term they used for kids who were raised in a culture other than their parents country and a combination of both. A good example is my son , who has both Filipino parents (first culture) but was born and raised in Saudi Arabia(second culture) and being exposed on both cultures (third culture). He studied in a multicultural environment and later on went to Europe and USA to finish his Bachelors degree.

It gives me a goose bump, remembering the day I organized a club named KFC (Kids Fun Club) and TFCK ( Teens Fun Club with Kids). My main goal is for him to be exposed in a Filipino culture while in Saudi Arabia at the same time teaching children to enhance their creativity in arts,reading and our culture.

So whats the big deal?

Is there more advantages than disadvantages?

Well, it’s a matter of perspective, I can’t speak for himself so listen to his show here hahahaha, kidding aside, but what I observed TCK has more adaptability and capability than those who has mono cultural exposure. Mostly of the studies done for TCK are American children living abroad, so let’s narrowed down the topic to Filipino kids who were raised in Saudi Arabia because of their parents employment.

They speak fluent english and have difficulty in Tagalog (Filipino language), unless all their friends speaks Tagalog or they are studying in Philippine School, then there’s no tagalog difficulties but definitely they don’t speak their parent’s dialect. Yes! one of the advantage of being TCK is the fluency in the English Language, they learned different languages too, but sad to say they are not well versed in Tagalog. Is this the fault of a parent? Well, in my case, I choose to speak one language to them, so they will not be confused in their accent and pronunciation. I was raised in Bicol, speaks taglish (tagalog-English) with a Philippine accent, I was afraid they gonna pick up my accent and other students will make fun of them. You see, living in Saudi Arabia is not easy, unfortunately,bullying is rampant at school and at work as well. And being in American School, Filipino subject is not included in the curriculum, it’s either French or Spanish, and of course the Arabic language of host country. I just wish, I insisted on learning them Tagalog and Arabic more fluently.

Even for us, as OFW, we tend to speak comfortably in English than in Tagalog, As for me, I still speak taglish (tagalog-English) but can speak English well if needed and  can conversed in Arabic with my patients 🙂

One of the privilege of being TCK is traveling. It gives them a broader view of the world, a better understanding of different culture but at the same time, they tend to wonder, the need to see other places and at times lost their interest to go back home.Even in food, they acquired the taste of arabic cuisine. Who doesn’t? Oh ! I love it too!  kabsa, shawerma,sambusak and broast 🙂 hmmm I’m getting hungry 🙂

Another advantage of being TCK is education, not only having the chance to study abroad but the ability to adjust, experience and learn to live in a multicultural environment. This is a real education to see how people live, interact, socialize in different places. This give you a broader perspective and independence.

What about emotionally?

I remembered my son, on one of his low point of being a Nomad, he uttered in a depressed tone of “just give me a home” to which I answered, your home is ME! Home is where your family! But at that time we were all in a different continent. It was a realization for me, yeah, home is everywhere and nowhere!

Saudi Arabia is my comfort zone, we live in a big house with free car, air ticket , free education and this is where my career started and bloom. But we al knew, this is temporary, and time will come we are all going home…where?

No one was prepared to go back home to Philippines, we were all fascinated and taken away by the comfort of living abroad, having friends all over the world,going to places.. though at times we feel we don’t belong anywhere, still living abroad has its own aura. Like what is expensive in Philippines, its just a normal affordable thing abroad. Communication is easier too, though we don’t speak arabic fluently, a lot of people here tried to speak English or even tagalog to us.(this is just me, ok?) I know, I am working in a private clinic with a good position so what I meet everyday are professionals, VIPs, but I think mostly of expatriate would have the same opinion. Am I wrong or right?

Sad to say, back home, speaking English with american accent and an Asian look, sometimes doesn’t create a good start without being perceived to be showing off.

the feeling of..

you don’t fit in… reverse culture shock… out of place

Vin and noira will surely tackle these feelings of being a tourist on your own home country. As for me, I am not yet there, but I am anticipating my retirement soon and I knew, I would feel the same way but hey! life is what we make it, if we were able to survived in the Middle East, we will surely survive in Asia!

Did I say ? TCK includes adult and parents?

Accept reality, face our own fear and sooner than we think, we can say, it’s not bad as we expected it too be 🙂

Ladies, I think Vin and Noira did express their take on TCK better than I did here 🙂



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The Vin and Noira Show – a review

When I received the link this morning , I immediately sent a message to my son.

What is this? What about Vin and Noira ? 

He replied: It’s a thing I’m doing in my free time.

For teens ?

18 years old and above

Ok, so curious, that I went to it right away, huh? What is this podcast? Well, pardon me, I am in my late fifties, back in our time we only listen to radio.

The Vin and Noira Show /A Podcast of Randomness

photo grab on their FB account

The first time I heard his voice, OMG! Is this my son? Who is the lady? Well, you know what happened next? Google and Facebook came into rescue.

So I gathered, Christina is from Indonesia and a Octoberian as well  (like us), if that is the real birthday, you know these days, they kind of change everything in their profile pics and data as well 🙂 A Filipino-Indonesian host team, both speaks English fluently!

Anyhow, this is their first episode and listening for the first few minutes, kind of “off” to me because of too many “F” word. But as I continued listening, the conversation was getting substantially good. Though I am not familiar with “Geoducks & Akon” and d&d games. Dungeons and dragons are not my thing , I guess it’s only for teenagers and young adult. It’s fun listening to them, the giggling in between makes me chuckles at times.

I didn’t know about TCK (third culture kids) ABC (aussie born chinese) did I get it right?Well, If you listen to their conversation, you will find out how Asian children born outside of their own country, live in a different culture, mingled with the locals, speaks English fluently and how they feel about it. They also talk about their “mom” yeah sure, they make fun of us! in a nice way 🙂

Overall, Hurray! for the first episodes, funny, honest awesome conversation, though I think it would be nice not to hear a lot of “F” even wonderful not to hear it at all 🙂 just a thought..hey thats your show and this is my review! Fair enough?

Good luck Vin and Noira!

Heres the link for you:

Find them on:

Instagram: @vinandnoira @KevinSuarez @missnoira



Happy listening!



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Year end hike to AL Shifa


A lot of good and not so good things happened in year 2017, at the moment, enjoy day by day, count the blessings. See the little things around, appreciate the beauty of nature and embrace the changes. Easy to say yeah? But hey! 2017 is almost over and we’re still here, isn’t that wonderful?


Hence, the weather is cool, we decided to spend the weekend at Taif. It was breezy and cool. We ate our breakfast at our favorite sand dune, which by the way is getting smaller every year.  🙂 like ..its their economic crisis too?



Spending time with this wonderful people at the end of the year is priceless. Children are growing so fast …meaning we are growing old too, I think soon we will be as tiny as this sand dune 🙂


We will miss you my friend but it isn’t good-bye for us, soon we will see each other and reminisce the happy good old days, that is.. if no one got affected by this dreadful condition called Alzheimer.


One day, we will look at our crazy photos with so much giggles and laughter.




It will be like a hole in the sand, gazing with awe that once upon a time we were here and suddenly year 2017 is gone, let’s look forward to year 2018 with more enthusiasm, hope, inspiring and of course more beauty 🙂

HaPpY NeW YeaR!



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Age 58: House Renovation 101

“If the plan doesn’t work , change the plan but never change the goal”

Yay! October is our lucky month.

Happy birthday to us, my sons and our house 🙂

Yep! Thirty years of working as OFW (overseas Filipino worker), the first thing that comes to mind is to buy a house, and we did! But plan change, the two years contract was extended to thirty years! And the house was rented. Some of the previous tenants were caring, unfortunately, the last one was a tyrant! OMG! , I can’t imagine how they live. We always do repair before a new tenant comes in and we are sure that the last tenant receive the house in good condition. Shocks! The house was not livable when I received it, everything was upside down 🙁


2009 when I became a single parent, a sole provider… it was not planned but reality at times will shocked our nerves and when it hit me, I did not back off, instead I stand firmly , prayed and hope I can passed the difficulties. So many things happened in between, I can tell you it was not easy for all of us but we surpassed the expectation!

I was brave to spent my savings and earning to send my sons to college and they were able to graduate with honors. I was crazy to think I am done after graduation 🙂 Sometimes I would say to myself, It’s ok to be selfish at times, think about when you grow old when you cannot work anymore, no steady income, no pension but I also think what will happen when I go back to Philippines ? No house and no pension, that’s more  scary! Time is ticking …it’s a disguise of invisibility..waiting to expire, but no! I won’t be fool by my advancing age, I like to think what I have been through, are my armor to whatever mishap I may have in the near future.

The tuition fees I paid for my two sons to study abroad, I could have bought a big mansion and a nice car but What shall I do with it? Education came as priority. Travel was second, why? Well, I don’t want to wait till I am old and can’t enjoy the scenery because I don’t remember where I was hehehe… talking about being forgetful 🙂 And renovating the house became the last in the list.


Once again, My inner me,.. says renovate the house, but I have no savings left, only my service award for five years.Besides , it’s a conjugal property. I like to file for annulment, actually saving for it. You see the irony in Philippines, We are the only country in the world that doesn’t support divorce and we also don’t have any program for single parent. I can’t file for housing loan, I am two years away of my retirement. The government should look into the predicament of single parent, this is not only to free from their spouse but to get support for education and shelter. There are a lot of separated/divorced couple that supports each other. Why can’t we be broad-minded on this subject for the sake of harmony and stability? Instead of paying a big amount of money to lawyers, spend it to other more important things like sharing for the education of children. However, out of no where, I received a quit claim and  the whisper is becoming louder and louder…renovate the house…renovate the house…

Drum roll… here are some photos of before and after renovation!


the only post in the middle was turned into decorative cabinet

Renovation 101 🙂

I calculated my service award and I said to myself, just do what is necessary and you will be fine financially.I went home, got my architect/contractor – Arch. Rosario Valeza and discussed what I want for my house.The budget of 1.8 increased to 2.5 M, oh la la la.


Shall I go for it? The inner me… Go!

Alright brave lady, Let’s do it! I talked to my boss to lend me an advanced money but with the economy going down, he cannot promise anything. Luckily, my contractor agreed that I can pay on installment basis. Wow! I am so lucky 🙂 Indeed! She also did a lot of extra work for me without even asking for extra money. Like I sent her to get me the appliances I need from Elba . I am too far away to come every time so she was so kind to extend her helping hand.Hmmm do I really think there’s no extra? Well, of course there will be but she is just so kind to ask and I am taking advantage of it :-)… joke!

Did it went well?

Well, I would say the finished renovation was beautiful compared to the old one but honestly , being far away from home while the house is being renovated is a big stress! Especially when the communication is kind of strange, timing is important, at times, she is free and at times I am not. Having internet is a plus but it is still different when you are there, in the actual site. I’m lucky also that I have my brother Eng. Kelly, who helped me visualized the outcome. Although at times, there was some disagreement between the Engineer and the architect but at the end professionalism works.

Sketch done by my bro Engr Kelly Mariano to help me visualize how it will look
the actual renovated view done by Architect Rosario Valeza

Some TIPS on renovating house when your far away from home and with a stretched budget on hand:-)

1. hired a trusted architect/contractor – this will lessen your stress but of course, it should be mutual. She/He should trust you too (financial wise) double wink ** I had some problem in sending remittances, two of the big remittance center in Jeddah was suspended and there’s also limit how much money I can send which shouldn’t exceed my monthly salary. I really appreciate the patience of my contractor.

2. have a concrete plan of what you want to change from the beginning. Think what is your priority. A bigger bathroom?  A bigger living room? Pushed everyone to be a part of the plan, even when they say, “Whatever you like mom” still insist on getting what’s in their mind. Don’t start until you get the plan, finalize and start.

3. Get a support from trusted Engineer, friends and family who has experience in building a house. You can get some tips but stick to your liking ,listen and make your own decision.

4. Think what appliances / gadget in the kitchen. This is very important so the cabinets can be adjusted accordingly. I ask a lot of questions from my chef’s son of course 🙂 I rather have a small but equipped kitchen than a big one with too many appliances in disarray.

5. Have an ample allowance to estimate the finishing date, so you don’t end up having double expenses of renting a temporary condo. Plus your excitement will not be overshadowed by frustration because of extra expenses. Remember you still have to furnish the house 🙂

5. Save money from the start even though you’re not thinking of renovating because it comes handy later on. I think it is better to just demolished the old house and start from the scratch.I didn’t dream of a big house, I always like a single detached bungalow.

Cute ..Simple.. and cozy.

6. Have faith, no one can defined one’s vulnerability and difficulties. I believed my courage comes in faith. I am always thankful of any blessings no matter how small it is.

Ladies, I am so proud to say at age 58, I feel fulfilled ,having done my obligation with so much love and passion…oh don’t give me that look!…yeah don’t say I failed in one aspect “marriage” (Please bring down your eyebrow) well, I survived 25 years isn’t it? Besides, It’s a mutual decision, sometimes you just have to let go in order to process the pain and be healed in time.

” Sometimes, falling is not hard if you know how to get up with grace..What is important..stand firmed and hit your goal”

Drum roll again! Life is beautiful 🙂

Oh, I forgot to mention ,say hello to our new fam member “Arya” the puppy 🙂



jamilamimi @beautybeyondfity

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Uber versus Careem: a review

photo grabs at careem website

It’s been quiet long time I wanted to write a review but I was caught up with a busy schedule  (rolling my eyes…anything new? )

If you missed my blog about uber and easy taxi please click Uber or Easy taxi in Jeddah, my choice?

Did you hear about the fiasco in Philippines about Uber and taxi?  in which Uber was suspended for a month for a violation done while there was investigation going on. What? What about those taxis who over charged, drivers who are rude, was there any suspension done immediately? NONE!

We all knew how Uber made our life easy especially here in Jeddah. I hesitated for a while to use careem for a reason that I got used using Uber. But one day, there was a problem with my credit card and I can not book a Uber to work. Careem has choices of payment… either you pay cash, card or top your bank card any amount to save it in your wallet or you can even use qitaf points (from stc) to pay your ride.

And my first ride was awesome! Lexus.. yes! that was the model of the car 🙂 and I was smiling from the inside because my ride was only 7SR (seven saudi riyals). If it was an ordinary taxi, I would still bargain to pay 10 riyals plus a filthy taxi and a smelly driver, though not in general, you can also find a clean taxi with a clean driver 🙂

And so my ride with careem is super! I was able to experienced different car models and drivers who are not only polite but speaks english too. I feel rich having a chauffeur with Lexus, BMW, Saab etc. I was tempted to ask why they do careem when they have this big luxury cars but you know, this is Jeddah, ladies are not supposed to be friendly with strangers 🙂

Today, I was lucky to ride with Mr Abduelah whose car is Hyundai Santa Fe, I forgot my eyeglass in his car and I contacted careem and it was an immediate communication to the Captain and wallah! my eyeglass was returned promptly! If this was an ordinary taxi, how could I ever retrieved my eyeglass?

So, I hope the Philippines gov’t should think about the system of Uber compared to the ordinary taxi. Taxi owners should compete fairly with the Uber, as what careem did to Uber. I think taxi in Philippines should have an improved and reliable system so the passengers are safe and not abused by an ordinary taxis.

Ladies, let me know your experience with Careem!


Jamilamimi (beautybeyondfifty)



Age 57: Mom shaming

Have you read recently the blog of Maggie Wilson about”mom shaming?” She is on point! Who are you to judge a mom according to what she wears? Can you tell a good mom from just looking at her? SHAME ON YOU!

From jumper to skirt : If I wear the skirt with my abs showing, will I be less as a mom? If I wear it as a jumper, will I be like trying hard?


I know there are appropriate dresses or attire in a particular occasions. Are there appropriate dresses on a particular age group? Like when you are already a “mom” you can’t wear shorts short? When you are in your fifties or beyond you can’t wear this and that? Who said what, who and why?

Are you dressing to please other people? Or are you dressing to please yourself?

Everyone has different style, different reasons ,different moods and its personal choice not yours to decide!

If you wear jeans like teens, does it makes me a bad or good mom? Does everyone knew what I have been through? Does everyone knew that I have raised two young professionals son who are well-respected in their own chosen field?

Do you know what mom went through in order to raised her children? Is she going to be judge by one occasion? by one dress?

If I post my daily beauty routines, will I be judge like I don’t take care of my children?

What is mom shaming? to my knowledge, mom shaming is like a disease that is contagious and communicable at the same time! a mom having negative feedback to another mom who doesn’t have the same belief as hers.

Seriously, are you perfect?

I believe mom who hurt other mom has some issues to herself. She throws her negative thoughts to other mom because she is envious of what other mom has accomplished. She is envious because she can’t do what other mom can do. Or simply, She loves to gossip because she has all the time, she is free for dilly dallying and bashed other moms.

Ladies, why don’t we just support each other. Let us inspires each other, as what Maggie put it, I hope this post lights a spark.





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Age 57: DIY – Eyebrow tinting

Warning: This is an experiment…If you are not adventurous please don’t make this at home!                                                                           

If you are fifty and beyond continue reading 🙂

Is your eyebrow getting thinner? graying? If the answer is yes? then this is the sign of aging! ouch! If your answer is no? hmm probably you are in denial? or you are one of those women who can afford doing tattooing or microblading,do u know how much microblading? According to my research it will cost Php 35K down to Php 18K omg! or maybe you are just lucky to have those thick eyebrows when you were younger that when you hit fifty, all you have to do is add a bit of eyebrow powder and a little help of eyebrow pencil will do the trick! Remember, a fuller brow is always youthful! It accentuate your beautiful eyes!


Well, I am one of those that embraces aging eyebrow and found an alternative solution that I saw on Facebook. Alright don’t give me that look! I know I shouldn’t believe everything posted hahaha. Anyway, I know I have no allergy and I know this is not for eyebrow tinting , will I die? nope! will I get burn? maybe! if I am not careful, will I get blind, yes! Precautions is the Key aside from being stupid 🙂

Oh well, let’s get started. READ and proceed with caution


This is for hair dye and not to be used for eyebrow. It will be too harsh on your skin around the eye. It only took me few seconds to leave the tint in my eyebrow. I was afraid it might burn my skin.


The powder is mix with water, I made the consistency thicker than usual so it won’t flow to my eyes and the surrounding skin of my eyes. You can also put vaseline around the eye for better protection.

 Brush and apply according to the shape of your eyebrow.


Wait for few seconds and wash off with a wet cotton. careful not to drop any dye around.


After effect. how long will it last? not sure but eyebrow hair has a very short life cycle so maybe within a month? I’m guessing 🙂 I will let you know later.

IMG_0387 (1)


Excuse my make up free photos 🙂 It’s good to be scared at times hahaha


This photo was taken after two days, I think the tint will not stay for too long 🙂

Ladies, no accidents happen or anything that I didn’t like, It’s all up to you if you want to try. Would I try it one more time? hmmm, may be no!

I’ll stick to eyebrow tint or eyebrow pencil.


I tried this and works very well, It’s available in Alhamra pharmacy but a bit expensive though. Your choice!

“If the eyes are the window to the soul, then eyebrow must be the curtain that frame this window”

